Mednarodna dostava

Dostavljeno neposredno na naslov prejemnika

Vsako darilo je prilagojeno fotografiji in / ali besedilu

Mednarodna dostava

Na voljo imamo različne možnosti pošiljanja. Pričakovani datum dostave za vsako darilo najdete ob zeleni kljukici.

Dostavljeno neposredno na naslov prejemnika

Bi radi koga presenetili s čudovitim darilom? Vsa naša darila so odposlana brez računa, tako da lahko darilo pošljemo neposredno prejemniku.

Vsako darilo je prilagojeno fotografiji in / ali besedilu

Vsako darilo, ki ga ustvarimo, lahko prilagodimo s fotografijo in / ali besedilom po vaši izbiri, tako da je vsakič za vsako priložnost resnično unikatno.

Father's Day is just around the corner! Have you found the right gift to surprise your dad with yet? Father's Day is the perfect time to thank the man or men in your life who have been there for you through thick and thin.

Every family has their own way of celebrating this special day, some like to go big and others celebrate simply with a card and day with the family. However you choose to celebrate, it is always nice to acknowledge the role your father or father-figure plays in your life, perhaps with a small gift to thank him. Below are some budget-friendly ideas for Father's Day gifts for your inspiration!

Celebrate your dad

A gift for Dad doesn't have to be expensive - just go with a heartfelt gift, something he will like and that will let him know how much you appreciate him. Think of the one thing he loves most of all... that's probably you! There is no greater joy for a father than his children. After all, he speaks proudly of you to everyone and has been there at all stages of your life with love and affection. There are many gifts that can celebrate this bond, despite seeming simple at first glance. How about a mug featuring a photo of the two of you together? His daily cuppa will never have tasted better! Or perhaps a photo album filled with all of your holiday or childhood photos. You probably have hundreds to choose from!

Personalizirana skodelica - bela

Personalizirana skodelica - bela

Obesek za ključe s fotografijami

Obesek za ključe s fotografijami

Osebna sestavljanka - velika

Osebna sestavljanka - velika

Stenska ura za fotografije - okrogla velika (lesonit)

Stenska ura za fotografije - okrogla velika (lesonit)

A little something from the heart

If Father's Day is a moment of celebration of the bond between a father and child, then the gift should celebrate their special relationship. Writing a card thanking him for being a great dad is a wonderful idea that will move him to tears. If you're not good with words and would like a little help expressing your feelings, a personalised book for Dad can say it for you!

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Lesena voščilnica za očetov dan

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Prilagojene palice Toblerone

Prilagojen plišasti zajček ItsieMe

Prilagojen plišasti zajček ItsieMe

More budget-friendly gifts for dad

If you’re looking for even more inspiration, we have lots of other gifts for you to surprise your dad with. Take a look at our gifts for a tight budget:

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Blog - prilagojena darila